The Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book
Climate change is the most urgent global challenge facing us all today, and countries around the world are finally uniting to address it. We must make deep changes to our energy system and consumption patterns to achieve the necessary reduction in emissions, and the stakes and solutions in this system shift should involve and interest everyone. Unfortunately, in the field of climate and energy, new research and scientific findings often come packed in big governmental reports and white papers: Not the most attractive format for people to read up on, let alone get excited about.
IKEM is a Berlin based think tank focusing on climate protection and the energy transition, and realized that the statistics and reports in the renewable energy field often failed to reach the most important audience: People beyond the energy sector. The energy transition offers much more than low-carbon energy: Renewable energy brings ownership, independence and empowerment to communities in a way centralized fossil fuel plants never could.
These lessons should be accessible and interesting for all, young and old, since all are needed to successfully move towards an inclusive, renewable-based society. Recognizing the need for new communication methods, IKEM teamed up with Ellery Studio for Creative Strategies to make The Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book. The book tells the story of climate protection and the need for the energy transition in a series of visually engaging infographics. What’s more, the illustrations connect with the reader: The infographics are meant to be colored in! This analogue exercise fosters a deeper reflection and understanding of the visualized message on each page. The infographics follow a chronological storyline, starting with the big picture of climate change, the successes and shortcomings of the energy transition, examples of community empowerment and the role of the individual in the sometimes overwhelmingly big story of climate change.