Wonder Lab brings the human touch to the world of household chemicals. Developed by a close-knit team of Russian scientists, the unique, patented products contain purely natural ingredients such as apples and beets. In addition to the exclusive formula, we emphasized the incredible “garage” story of the brand, their proud Ural origins, and their creation of a chemical formula capable of cleaning oil spills from water. As a testament to their ecological achievements, the Wonder Lab team has been accredited by the WWF, enabling them to display the WWF logo on their products.
With this in mind, we created a brand strategy in the emotional lifestyle area, a pioneering approach for the household chemical segment. We call it 'fungineering'. A term stemming from the wordplay of fun + engineering. The big science behind the product shouldn't add complexity and confuse the customer, instead we designed a brand identity that evokes feelings of joy.
Wonder Lab cares about consumers and the planet. The brand follows the principles of sustainability, and subscribes to the belief that cleaning surfaces or washing dishes should be as enjoyable as possible.