Felder Poolbook
Craftmanship and innovative production of stainless steel swimming pools are the key asset of Felder Metallhandwerk. A metall manufacturer in the Bregenzerwald region. To get in contact with architects, hotel owners, interior designers we created a lookbook of already built pools. The emotional photography combined with a clear and light raster touches the viewer envolving him into the world of Felder Metallhandwerk. The cover of the book is embossed with a transparent hotfoil on the title and the backside (text). In the embossed square on the cover is a glossy pool picture inserted. This creates different haptic experiences for the viewer emphasizing the sense for material and detail. Detailed technical illustrations of the construction help to understand the construction of the pools and its individualised details. The book worked for "Felder Metallhandwerk" as a perfect door opener to a new client group for their craft.