Project Museumvereniging Agency Lava Year 2024 Award Silver


Museumvereniging is an industry association representing over 500 museums in The Netherlands. The objective was to enhance visibility, strengthen brand recognition, and extend its influence, with one condition: keep the current well-known logo where the slashes symbolize the core tenets of embracing, adopting, and connecting.

One crucial focus was transitioning to a digital-first brand, expanding the brand elements to seamlessly serve all present and future media, tools, and channels. Through rigorous strategy sessions, we redefined the brand and its guiding principles.

Previously perceived primarily as a traditional association focused on lobbying, Museumvereniging has transformed into a catalyst for connectivity, knowledge-sharing, and innovation within the sector, fortifying the entire sector and benefiting each member.

Based on these insights, the brand concept shifted from mere embracing to highlighting, revealing, and unlocking what is important. The rich and dynamic identity allows for layered messaging and communication across all activities, products, channels and positions Museumvereniging’s role as an industry pioneer.


Creative Director
Art Director
Category 105 Digital Identity Applications Client Museumvereniging Country Netherlands