Project JUNK(IES) Agency Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Year 2024 Award Bronze


Buy, buy, buy. Consumption knows no limits. Our desire for new things is growing and growing – and with that, the mountains of waste. Germany recorded a new peak in packaging waste in 2021 and thus remains the leader in Europe. JUNK(IES) shows the effects of our behavior and actions. The book draws attention to our consumerism in an objective, aesthetic and haptic way.

JUNK(IES) reveals the scope of the German throwaway mentality in a 1000-page, 2.7 kg heavy book. The topic is presented aesthetically in form of a photo documentation. Ten chapters show what often remains hidden: the frightening truth of how far-reaching and wide-ranging the consequences of today‘s consumer society are. Piles of waste, plastic, toxic substances and electrical waste – the effects are enormous in every aspect and can already be felt by people and the environment. 

The design, a combination of color, image and typography, provides an appealing appearance in contrast to the depressing subject matter, thus enabling easy access to the mass of the topic. The dimensions and weight of the book are intended to make the problem tangible in a haptic way. The aim is to make the relevance of the topic and its effects on people and the environment accessible and to encourage each and every individual to rethink their own actions.


Creative Director
Karen Kircher
Karen Kircher
Karen Kircher
Category 903 Student Project Client Country Austria