Project GrowTech Solutions Agency Redis Agency Year 2024 Award Bronze

GrowTech Solutions

GTS makes plant-growing equipment, so we created a technological logo that embodied the concept of growth from a seed or cell. With the help of GrowTech Solutions products, one element transforms into a whole system, just as a sprout does from a seed.

To complement the brand’s connection to nature, we used smoother shapes that resemble plants. To highlight the brand’s features, we used large graphics. We also created a 3D model of the product to display all of its details. The user scrolls through the site as one animation replaces another, demonstrating how GrowTech Solutions works in detail.

We have to create a new logo, corporate identity, website design and e-commerce platform for GTS. We did it all on Webflow and also saved non-standard desktop solutions for the mobile version.


Creative Director
Pavel Dergachev
Art Director
Elena Romanova/Artem Hertz
Daria Gromova/Vitalii Pisarev/Alexander Rastegaev
Motion designer
Dmitrii Sukharev
Designer, Webflow developer
Svetlana Khodunova
Head of Webflow Development
Vyacheslav Sheikin
Yulia Orlova
Category 702 Information Site Client GrowTech Solutions Country Portugal