Pieces of Life (norwegian Bitar Frå Livet) Book illustrations
The essence of the book is encapsulated in its title, which hints at the myriad pieces and moments that stitch together the tapestry of a life. It is an ode to the spectrum of experiences, ranging from the monumental to the mundane, that define our existence. The reflections and emotions laid bare in its pages are universal, offering a mirror in which most readers will see their own lives reflected. The inspiration behind these narratives is deeply personal, drawn from the well of our interactions with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as our introspections.
I worked closely with the author, Frode Alver Nilsen to establish a suitable visual style for the texts that he had written. I also aimed to subtly encourage the reader to study the illustrations, so that they can discover new details if they take the time to look a little closer. We collaborated closely, providing feedback on each other's contributions along the way, with the goal of finding the right intention and balance between text and image.
The idea is that both the text and the images and illustrations can be appreciated individually, but also complement each other when they are placed side by side. Similar to Frode's poems, I was keen that the illustrations themselves could be interpreted within a theme, but not be overly explicit, so that the stories they depict wouldn't necessarily be fully determined by the text. However, as we often discovered along the way, there is much power in the combination of the two.